quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012


Sou o Melhor naquilo que faço, e o que faço não é nada bonito.

Se você conhece a frase em cima, com certeza você conhece o herói canadense de regeneração incrível, ossos e garras recobertas de admantium e bom para puxar briga.
Logan, o Wolverine é nosso primeiro papertoy, não se assuste pela aparência do brinquedo, pois montá-lo é mais fácil do que parece.

Siga nosso passo-a-passo e divirtá-se.

I'm the best at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice

Logan, Wolverine is our first papertoy, do not be scared by the appearance of the toy, because mounting it  it's easier than it appears.

Follow our step-by-step and enjoy.
download in english

1)To assemble your Wolverine find a a clean and quiet place, without wind. Find either a trasher and a dish to use the glue.
2)You will need a ruler and something to scores the folds, glue, toothpicks and a scissor
3) before cut the pieces, score the folders. This is really important

1) Cut the body , be carefull with the small parts.
2) Make  the folds, and pay atenttion, someones you must fold to outside, they are marked
3) The chest also has some folds to outside
4) Start to paste by the nunber 1, and follow the sequence
5) the last part is teh top of the body, use glue in al the tabs
6) You body must be like this

1) attention again to the folds to outside
2) assemble the head is eassy
3) in mask we have some tricks, fold to inside in the arrow, and paste one side in other before cut
4)cut following the draw in the front, forget about the back
5) paste the mask in front of the head, and your job will be done, for now

1) follow the instruction to assemble the claw, trey must be like this
2) paste de claw in the back of the hand, be smart, this hand is the right, this is important
3) paste the forearm, the text arm (or Braço, if you downloaded the brazilian file) must be for upside
4) the hand with the claw must be like this, don´t forget, the fingers must be turned to inside
5) paste the arm with the text body (or "corpo") to the same side then the fingers, the other arm will be the oposite.

1) the legs (and boots) hasn´t secrets, but insted follow the numbers yoou could prefer assemble ina a diferent order.
2) paste the boots in leg, like is in the picture, there´s no difference betwen right and left.
3) prepare the bootpoints like you made the mask
4) almost finished, paste de head in the body
5) now paste the legs and the arms, remember wich one is the left and the right.

1) And we´re done. I paste the left arm a litlle diferent than the original project, pasting the upside of the arm instead the side, the result is a high arm, and a more savage expression, I recomend it.
2) here we have a image to all the pieces assemble maybe it halps you. Any questions asks by the facebook www.facebook.com/caradopapel or by my blog caradopapel.blogspot.com.br/

Sorry about my english ;)

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