Corajoso, desligado, forte, guloso, obstinado, brincalhão
Luffy é uma soma de antagonices, que o tornam um personagem inesquecível, e fazem uma desenho que para mim tem o melhor do humor e das lutas.
We are on the cruise, we are.
Courageous, distracted, strong, greedy, obstinate, playful
Luffy is all antagonistic, and its made a unforgettable character, and made a toon tha, for me, is the best in humor and also in fights
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Paper toy - how to do - Luffy
1)The belt is easy, but some explanation will probably help you, first cut the bell like the image
2)score the folder and fold to inside - 3) paste - 4)cut following the picture - 5) and it´s ready
6) separe the pieces and score the folders - 7) cut the pieces
green line: fold to inside
blue line fold to outside
1) the hand is just a cube - 2) to mount the forearm is easy, just follow the numbers
3) the arm have arrows to indicate the front side - 4) to mount the sleeve follow the steps
5) the arms are ready, pay attention in the diferencer betwen left and right. uses your hand like a reference.
1) to mount the legs is easy - 2) pay attention in the sides, the shins and the feets must be turned to outside
3) the pants is a litlle harder, again, follow the nunbers, pay special attention in number 1, paste in base
4) the legs are ready, remeber to paste the both sides of the pants before the others pieces.
1) paste the hat brim
2) the last tab in face (after the botton of head) must be pasted in the back of the chin
3) all the pieces ready, lets go to the body
1) the body is the harder piece of this toy, again just follow the numbers, attention to the outsides folders
just be patient - 2 to mount the tab of jacket remeber the sleeve
3) almost done, paste one side of the tab in body first, wait fill seconds, and after, paste the other side
1) mount the parts separately - 2) paste the sleeves between the arms and the forearms
3) don´t paste the arms symmetrically, a little diference will be cooler.
4) again, pay attention in diferences between right and left
qualquer dúvida tire nos comentários ou pelo perfil cara do papel
any questions, use the comments or ask in facebook caradopapel
aeh cara, q tipow de papel da p usa e cola?
ResponderExcluirOlá, td joia? valeu pelo comentário cara. Dá para usar sulfite normal, mas o resultado não vai ficar tão bom. Sulfite com 90g/m² já é melhor. até 180g quanto mais grosso melhor. já cola use cola escolar mesmo, e um palito pra aplicar.
Como eu consigo a parte de baixo do chapéu ????
ResponderExcluirOlá, aqui está o link para o download do arquivo correto...
ExcluirO chapéu (aba e copa) e a cabeça estão na página 3... boa montagem
faz do Zoro ou Sanji?